"Apabila kita tak buat kerja-kerja Islam , Islam tak rugi apa-apa.Islam ada pemiliknya yakni Allah SWT. Allah boleh cari orang lain...
Biar tersalah ampun, Jangan tersalah hukum
One of the quote stated in Ramlee Awang Mursyid's novel. I just knew that it was actually from hadeeth :) Forgiveness. Currentl...
Reliance on Allah
"Kita takut bilamana kita terlalu sibuk, kita terlupa yang Allah itu ada. Dia ada untuk kita, tetapi kita masih meletakkan k...
Wholesome Wise
"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future" (George Bernard Shaw) Harus...
Jiwa Syurga
Salam alaik, Plz read this with the background music of Jiwa Syurga by Maidany :) "Apabila kita bercita-cita untuk masuk ke syurg...
Pesan Imam Hassan Al-Basri
Aku tahu rezekiku tak mungkin diambil orang lain, kerana itu hatiku tenang Aku tahu amal-amalku tak mungkin dilakukan orang lain, m...
"Kekuatan sahabat menyempurnakan kelemahan kita, Kekuatan kita menyempurnakan kelemahan sahabat." Andainya ukhuwah kerana Ny...
Stronger Life
"Sometimes, when the world's not on your side You don't know where to run to You don't know where to hide. You ga...
Sabda Nabi s.a.w: “Semua anak Adam itu melakukan kesalahan. Sebaik-baik pelaku kesalahan itu ialah mereka yang bertaubat” (R...
Everlasting Inspiration
Salam alaik, Today, with the most happiest moment, I want to share with you one of the best figures i ever met. The person that can mak...
twinkle2 little STAR?
Salam alaik, How I wish I'm 17th to join this =.= Teringat zaman join pertandingan poster dulu2. Memorable moment. Teringat t...
Konflik rasa
tersentap terkelu terblur apapun ter yang berlaku hidup kena jalan kawal kehidupan @ dikawal kehidupan it just : a mat...
Pray & life
"Winners never quit, Quitters never win!"
Be The Best!
"only the sky is the limit" for whatever you do, May Allah ease everything :)
Stay Strong!
"Kerana sesungguhnya tiada daya dan upaya melainkan dengan pertolonganNya." I still remebered the day which I found that t...
Unfolding a rose
A young, new ustadh (teacher) was walking with an older, more seasoned ustadh (teacher) in the garden one day. Feeling a bit insecure a...
Prophetic Supplication
CONQUERING FEAR OF DEATH The Day of judgment, though it is to be feared, must also inspire in us a desire and eagerness to meet All...
Dia Syurgaku
Salam alaik, sedikit info ttg hadis: 1. Video: Musalsal Hadith Bil Mahabbah, (source: youtube video ttg Ramadhan by Imam ...
Kompilasi Poster Ramadhan 2013
Salam alaik, tetamu istimewa kian beransur pergi, hadiah berharga bakal diambil pulang, tinggal diri masih tertanya-tanya; cukupkah usah...
Beware of proud
Salam alaik, We multiply our good deeds, We increase on our efforts and strengths, As a result, others notice them and start ...
Hingga Hujung Nyawa
Salam alaik! This is the picture of a sister who I admire a lot. She taught me some recipes and accompanied my study during my ...
Reset Minda: Jom berhijrah!
Salam alaik :) Yang bernama hijrah punya dua definisi. Pertama hijrah fizikal seperti yang dilakukan Rasulullah. Kedua, hijr...
Be Good Be Beautiful
Maria: Look! He is superbly handsome! (while pointing at the Kpop members on the screen) Sara : Urm.. not so bad. (with a blur face) M...
Revenge Formula
Sometimes backbiters, pretenders and bad people really make us feel sick and annoyed. But, letting them affecting our live will not be t...
Mata Hati
Buta yang sebenar adalah bilamana mata hati tak lagi mampu melihat indahnya kebaikan, azabnya kejahatan!
Ukhuwah Fillah
“Janganlah kamu meremehkan kebaikan apapun, walaupun sekadar bertemu saudaramu dengan wajah ceria.” (HR. Muslim)
Powerful Istighfar
Imam Ahmed Bin Hanbal - renowned scholar of Islam - famous theologian - founder of the Hanbali school of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)...
Yosh! You can do it!
Dearest my little sister, Alhamdulillah, Tahniah, tahniah, tahniah kerana anda terpilih untuk ke IPT So, here the answer scheme for...